Linear Slots Air Grille.

KSh 8,500.00

Linear slot diffusers are used to project air from a ceiling or a wall. The diffuser typically consists of a series of narrow slots or openings through which conditioned air is released. This helps to ensure a uniform and controlled airflow, providing comfort and maintaining air quality in indoor spaces. Ideal for large open plan areas such as offices and shopping centers


Slot-type linear ventilation diffuser to be installed in ceilings, manufactured in a width of up to 40 cm and unlimited length.
Final finish in high-resistance electrostatic white paint or aluminum color.
It can be used for forced or passive air injection or extraction, the central bars can have a separation of 1/2″, 3/4″ or 1″.
Optional 26 gauge galvanized sheet plenum with expanded polyethylene foam insulation.
Optional round damper L-D for the plenum.
Its versatility allows you to make linear, L-shaped, C-shaped or square-shaped arrangements regardless of length.
Its architectural design allows it to be used in elegant, industrial, commercial, institutional or residential spaces